Obion County Board of Education
October 6, 2014

Agenda Item: VIII.G.

Consider/Approve Academic Intervention Focus area

Background Information:

The Obion County School System is seeking the approval of an Academic Intervention Focus Area for high schools.  This focus area could be used by students needing intensive reading or math interventions beyond their ninth-grade year.  The state has approved the Tier 3 intervention codes of 3017 for ELA and 3180 for Math.  Students receive one (1) credit per course, and these courses may be repeated as needed.  The Tier 3 courses are elective courses beyond the required English/Language Arts and Mathematics classes needed for graduation. These courses will be taught by a certified teacher and offered as described in Component 4.2 of the state’s RTI2 framework.


Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the Academic Intervention Focus area for high schools.